Online identification without video
One of the global market leaders in the field of online prepaid payment methods has been offering its users the possibility of online identification independently of Videoident since 2018. With a prepaid card, people can make payments for online shops or services on the internet, for example in various online shops or online casinos. The electronic payment method works according to the prepaid model which means that the credit is topped up via prepaid cards. According to the German Money Laundering Act (GWG), identification is required for amounts above a certain limit. Thanks to AUTHADA ident and the eID function of the ID card, this can be done easily and completely digitally within a few minutes.

The challenge
Online identification without video
According to the German Money Laundering Act (GwG), companies that offer electronic payment methods are obliged to identify their users above a certain amount of money. Since customers of the company buy the credit cards to use them immediately when needed, quick usability is important. However, online identification by video call is bound to certain times of the day when employees carry out the identification via video call. At peak times, when many users want to carry out online identification via video, customers have to expect waiting times. Our client was looking for a simple and fast digital identification procedure for the users, which can be easily integrated into their own process route and is accessible at any time and any place.

The AUTHADA solution in operation
With eID Online Identification without video
With the digital eID function of the ID card and the ident solution from AUTHADA, users can identify themselves quickly and easily online – no matter when or where. All they need is a smartphone and their ID card. Video online identification can be completely dispensed with. In addition to the advantage of being able to carry out online identification at any time and any place, the costs of identification via eID are only half as high as with Vide online identification. After less than three minutes, nothing prevents the direct use of the prepaid credit – minimum effort with maximum benefit for users.
Customized-Integration from ident
“Customized” variant: Our app & customer website
Für die Integration der AUTHADA-Lösung ident hat sich unser Kunde für unsere “Customized”-Integrationsvariante entschieden. Seine Kundinnen und Kunden starten den Identifizierungsprozess auf der eigenen Website. Hier wird ihnen ein QR-Code angezeigt, den sie mit der AUTHADA-App auf ihrem Smartphone scannen bzw. eingeben. Mit der AUTHADA-App und ihrem Ausweis identifizieren sich Kundinnen und Kunden komfortabel und anonym. Eine Videoident Online-Identifikation wird nicht benötigt!
More integration possibilities
Individual and suitable for your needs
AUTHADA bietet für die Integration der Identifizierungslösung ident weitere Integrationsvarianten. Bei der “Easy”-Variante werden Kundinnen und Kunden von der Website ihres Anbieters zur AUTHADA-Identifizierungswebsite weitergeleitet und können mithilfe dieser und der AUTHADA-App die Identifizierung durchführen. Bei der “SDK”-Variante wird unserer Lösung vollumfänglich in die Website und App des Unternehmens eingebunden. Die technische Lösung von AUTHADA läuft im Hintergrund.
“Easy” integration variant
“SDK” integration variant
Further customer Projects: AUTHADA solutions in use
Make provisions for emergencies and provide clarity for relatives: This is possible digitally and legally compliant with Afilio. The pension platform offers individuals, couples and families the opportunity to record their wishes in the event of an emergency. Since 2024, the company has relied on AUTHADA's digital signature to ensure that precautionary documents are always available at any time and any place.
comdirect, one of the most established online banks in Germany, has been offering online identification from AUTHADA since 2018. This has made it even easier for customers to open a comdirect account. comdirect was the first direct bank to use AUTHADA ident in the SDK integration version to open a custody account.
To open a bank account or a deposit account, banks are required to carry out an identity check to establish a person's identity. Anyone who wants to open an account online must also undergo an online identity check. At BW-Bank, this has been possible since 2020 not only via video identity between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., but 24/7 thanks to AUTHADA ident and the eID function of the ID card.