Create digital signature | Afilio

Make provisions for emergencies and provide clarity for relatives: This is possible digitally and legally compliant with Afilio. Since 2024, the company has been using AUTHADA digital signatures to ensure that precautionary documents such as living wills and health care proxies are no longer kept in a drawer, but are always available at any time and any place. Thanks to AUTHADA sign, precautionary documents are signed digitally with the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES). Printing is no longer necessary. This means that users always have the original documents just a click away and can also share them with relatives.

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The challenge

Have original precautionary documents at hand at all times

If necessary, relatives must be able to access advance care documents such as living wills and health care proxies quickly and easily – on the one hand to make (medical) decisions, on the other hand to prove the legitimacy of decisions. In order to prove beyond doubt that the will of the person concerned is being complied with, the original advance directive is necessary. However, hardly anyone has several sheets of paper with their handwritten signature with them at all times.

Create digital signature

The AUTHADA solution in operation

Create a digital signature for precautionary documents

Thanks to the collaboration between AUTHADA and Afilio, users can complete the pension documents online in just a few simple steps. To do this, they identify themselves digitally using their ID card and a smartphone. This online identification via the eID function makes it possible to prove beyond doubt that only the authorized person signs the document with a digital signature in the next step. In contrast to other identification methods such as Videoident, the user’s privacy is not invaded. After the identity check and confirmation, the digital signature is created with just a few clicks thanks to AUTHADA sign. This generates a “qualified electronic signature” (QES), which is also legally equivalent to a handwritten signature. The QES is the most secure digital signature and more secure than a handwritten signature on paper. After the digital signature, the original documents are stored in the application. Emergency contacts can then retrieve the documents online in an emergency.

This is where the users from Afilio start the process to create a digital signature


Till Oltmanns, founder of Afilio:

>>>>Pension planning is an important but also very emotional topic. With AUTHADA’s identification solution, we can guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of our customers.<<

Further customer Projects: AUTHADA solutions in use

  • Create digital signature

    Make provisions for emergencies and provide clarity for relatives: This is possible digitally and legally compliant with Afilio. The pension platform offers individuals, couples and families the opportunity to record their wishes in the event of an emergency. Since 2024, the company has relied on AUTHADA's digital signature to ensure that precautionary documents are always available at any time and any place.

  • comdirect, one of the most established online banks in Germany, has been offering online identification from AUTHADA since 2018. This has made it even easier for customers to open a comdirect account. comdirect was the first direct bank to use AUTHADA ident in the SDK integration version to open a custody account.

  • To open a bank account or a deposit account, banks are required to carry out an identity check to establish a person's identity. Anyone who wants to open an account online must also undergo an online identity check. At BW-Bank, this has been possible since 2020 not only via video identity between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., but 24/7 thanks to AUTHADA ident and the eID function of the ID card.

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