Show all FAQs…
Which devices are compatible with the AUTHADA app?
How can I identify myself?
With which ID card can I identify myself?
I can’t find the ident code. What do I need to do?
 My ID card is blocked. What can I do?
What is the PIN?
I have forgotten my PIN. How can I reset it?
Who is the service provider?
Show all Use Cases...
Prevent data misuse
Activate prepaid SIM card online
Activate a prepaid SIM at the POS
Onsite but digital: Read out KYC documents
Digital contract signing
AML-compliant identification in the casino
Show all Customer Projects...
Create digital signature | Afilio
Open a comdirect account with just a few clicks
Opening a bank account online | BW-Bank
Start investing quick with online identification | VisualVest
Fraud prevention in e-commerce | fashionette
Online identification without video
GoSign – online signature
TOP – digital onboarding
Integration and documentation
ID documents
Show all blog posts...
Was ist eine Qualifizierte Elektronische Signatur (QES)?
Wie Sie Ihre Prozesse digital & effizient gestalten – trotz regulatorischer Vorgaben
Show all press releases...
AUTHADA expands product portfolio with new signature and onboarding solutions for the German market
QES in the circular economy – Dr. Ing. Wandrei, AUTHADA and InfoCert develop new tool
Project ID-Ideal
Copyright © AUTHADA
You can also find helpful questions and answers about the identification process in the FAQ.
Operating system of your smartphoneiOS (Apple)AndroidHarmonyOS (Huawei) Which solution do you use?AUTHADA app - online identificationAUTHADA sign - digital signatureAUTHADA business - on-site identification I agree that the data will be stored for processing the enquiry.*
Where do you want to identify yourself?AfilioAOKA-Trustbet365BW-BankCarPassDekaBankfashionetteinterwettenLBBWOtto PaymentsPaysafecardS BrokerSparkasseStandesamt WiesbadenTipicoVisualVestVodafoneOthers
After we have answered your enquiry, your data will be deleted immediately, unless there is a legal obligation to retain it. Your data will not be used for any other purpose or passed on to third parties. You can revoke your consent to the collection and use of data at any time by sending us a message. In the event of revocation, your data will be deleted immediately. Please refer to our data protection information
Please leave this field empty.
Operating system of your smartphoneiOS (Apple)AndroidHarmonyOS (Huawei) Which solution do you use?AUTHADA app - online identificationAUTHADA sign - digital signatureAUTHADA business - on-site identification
I agree that the data will be stored for processing the enquiry.*