Our solutions are your contribution to sustainability
The importance of sustainability is increasing: 50 percent of consumers pay attention to the fact that the supplier acts in a more socially and ecologically responsible manner when making a purchase¹, three quarters of professionals think it is important that sustainability is given a high priority by employers².
More sustainability with AUTHADA
With AUTHADA solutions, your company becomes more digital and efficient. In this way, you contribute to more sustainability for everyone and at the same time increase the attractiveness of your company and your products for customers, employees and potential applicants.
More sustainability, less effortÂ
Making the company more sustainable without spending huge amounts of money, turning the whole office upside down and changing all the established processes? No problem. By implementing AUTHADA solutions, companies take a big step towards more sustainability and a future-oriented enterprise. The AUTHADA solutions fit perfectly into the processes and are very user-friendly.Â
Digital officeÂ
- Processes become faster and leaner Â
- Employees have more time for the essentials Â
- Customers will be impressed by the speed of your service Â
- Customers can use the service at any time – no matter where and no matter whenÂ
Paperless officeÂ
- Into the future with a paperless office: no trees need to be felled Â
- Saves resources in your company Â
- Space for mountains of files? No longer necessary!Â
Way to a sustainable companyÂ
- Zero costs for mail, transport and travel. This saves your company CO2Â Â
- Less waste: Neither paper nor printing devices (which have to be maintained and replaced one day). Â
- The focus is not on technology, but on people. More time due to smooth processes.Â
More sustainability – a benefit for everyoneÂ
- Paperless office: Save on paper, printing and printer costs. No need to cut down trees, buy cartridges or maintain printers. Â
- Office storage cabinets full of file orders or extra storage rooms? No longer necessary, everything important is digital. Use the office space for meaningful things! Â
- No matter where you are: You can reach your customers in a click. Be on site for identification or signature? No longer necessary!Â
- No time for customers because employees have to retype and scan documents? That’s a thing of the past!  Â
- Time-consuming processes? No longer necessary! The perfect solution is customised so that processes are shortened. Â
- Frustrated employees because new software is complicated? Not with AUTHADA solutions. Our solutions are user-friendly and intuitive for your employees to use.Â
- Making an appointment on site for identification or signing a contract? Not neccessary!  Â
- No printing and postage costs – on both sides! Â
- Travelling by car, train or bicycle? This is a question your customers do not have to ask themselves. Due to the integration of digital solutions, no travelling is necessary. This not only protects the environment, but also saves valuable time. Your customers will be thankful for it!Â
Solutions for your processes
Do you connect contract signatures with time-consuming processes, filled files and travelling? Not any more! Thanks to sign, handwritten signatures are no longer necessary – even for official documents. You save paper and printing costs and travelling is not necessary anymore. Reduce your ecological footprint easily!Â
Our solutions in use
Customers of this banking institution can open their account without media discontinuity immediately and effortlessly. Impressive in the in the splendour of their own corporate design, the process of online identification can be completed independently using a German identity card, residence permit or eID card for EU citizens.Â
In addition to video identification, this financial service provider also offers its customers AUTHADA ident as an option for identification using an ID card and the NFC interface of the mobile phone. This is in line with the consumer behaviour of our digital age, in which customers are used to performing their transactions independently.
A well-known travel provider’s system is now becoming digital, fast and sustainable. This not only optimizes processes, but also conserves resources. Thanks to AUTHADA sign, travel financing applications are now processed entirely digitally.Â