Projects: Financial sector

Financing and booking a holiday trip in one step​

A well-known travel provider’s system is now becoming digital, fast and sustainable. This not only optimizes processes, but also conserves resources. Thanks to AUTHADA sign, travel financing applications are now processed entirely digitally. 

Designelement Ecke angeschnitten

The challenge:​ to reduce the financing process and save paper

Every application for credit financing was always signed by hand beforehand at this company. Accordingly, the many pages of an application first had to be personalized, then printed out, signed, copied, scanned again and archived manually. Many process steps, human resources, time, paper and costs were required for one application. 

»Thanks to digital processing, we no longer have to digitize the contracts and collect them in folders. It saves us time, space and a lot of paper

CEO of the eCommerce company

Vertragsabschluss schnell und einfach am Handy

The AUTHADA solution in action

​By integrating AUTHADA sign, travel agency customers can process their travel financing completely paperless within a very short time. This not only saves both sides time, but also paper – promoting sustainability. An employee of the travel agency performs identification of a new customer. The contract documents are then automatically personalized and made available to the customer for review. Finally, the qualified electronic signature is produced with AUTHADA sign. It only takes a few minutes to complete the application, because many of the steps are taken over by the system and printing, copying, scanning and archiving, for example, are no longer necessary. Travel agencies and booking clients benefit from a fully digitized and resource-saving credit application process.

Our customer projects: AUTHADA solutions in use

  • Make provisions for emergencies and provide clarity for relatives: This is possible digitally and legally compliant with Afilio. The pension platform offers individuals, couples and families the opportunity to record their wishes in the event of an emergency. Since 2024, the company has relied on AUTHADA's digital signature to ensure that precautionary documents are always available at any time and any place.

  • comdirect, one of the most established online banks in Germany, has been offering online identification from AUTHADA since 2018. This has made it even easier for customers to open a comdirect account. comdirect was the first direct bank to use AUTHADA ident in the SDK integration version to open a custody account.

  • To open a bank account or a deposit account, banks are required to carry out an identity check to establish a person's identity. Anyone who wants to open an account online must also undergo an online identity check. At BW-Bank, this has been possible since 2020 not only via video identity between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., but 24/7 thanks to AUTHADA ident and the eID function of the ID card.

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