Projects: e-commerce

eCommerce reduces fraud successfully

The eCommerce company was enthusiastic about AUTHADA from the very beginning: “When we heard about AUTHADA ident for the first time, we were immediately positively surprised!” Thanks to ident, the company has been able to optimise processes, reduce fraud, increase their turnover and deliver their orders to customers reliably.

Designelement Ecke angeschnitten

The challenge: reduce fraud and ensure GDPR compliance

The products offered by the company and shipped to customers are very high quality and exclusive. The number of fraud cases was correspondingly high, much to the company’s suffering. In cases of suspicion, the company asked their customers to identify themselves by sending a photo of their ID via email . These photos were checked manually by the employees. This check was very time-intensive, required a lot of human resources and wasn’t 100% secure. Thus, not all security features of the ID card could be checked. The deletion concept and GDPR compliance also increased the complexity and requirements.

“The advantages of AUTHADA ident are clear for us: the solution is faster, cheaper and requires less effort than others.”

Online identification with ident

The AUTHADA solution in action

By using AUTHADA ident, identity misuse is no longer possible while ordering. If there is a suspicion of identity theft or misuse, the customer receives an e-mail with a link to the identification platform and can confirm her or his identity within a few minutes using AUTHADA ident. The e-commerce company receives the transferred data from the ID document and decides whether to approve or cancel the order. The management is enthusiastic: “The AUTHADA solution is secure, fast and cannot be manipulated. The customer does not have to provide any pictures of the ID card and both sides get what they want: The customer gets her or his order and we receive the data we need for verification.”

“The solution is media disruption-free, there is no waiting time and the identification is possible at any time and from anywhere, without having to communicate with another person and without having to go to a post office. In addition, the customer does not have to provide a photo of her or his identity card.”

Our customer projects: AUTHADA solutions in use

  • Create digital signature

    Make provisions for emergencies and provide clarity for relatives: This is possible digitally and legally compliant with Afilio. The pension platform offers individuals, couples and families the opportunity to record their wishes in the event of an emergency. Since 2024, the company has relied on AUTHADA's digital signature to ensure that precautionary documents are always available at any time and any place.

  • comdirect, one of the most established online banks in Germany, has been offering online identification from AUTHADA since 2018. This has made it even easier for customers to open a comdirect account. comdirect was the first direct bank to use AUTHADA ident in the SDK integration version to open a custody account.

  • To open a bank account or a deposit account, banks are required to carry out an identity check to establish a person's identity. Anyone who wants to open an account online must also undergo an online identity check. At BW-Bank, this has been possible since 2020 not only via video identity between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., but 24/7 thanks to AUTHADA ident and the eID function of the ID card.

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