We provide several implementation scenarios in which our services can be used. Additionally, several configuration options are available for some of the scenarios. In the following, we want to provide an overview of those scenarios and the possible configurations. Details for the technical implementations can be found in the respective API documentations.
For any service in any scenario you need to implement the AUTHADA Backend. The eID card architecture requires by the definition of the Federal Office of Information Security (BSI), that the cards are only to be read out by a server component. Our services require two calls, one for the initialisation and one for fetching the results. The rest of the process is performed in the corresponding frontend application.
The onsite service is available for Android and iOS. Two main implementation scenarios, the AUTHADA business app and the AAL implementation, are available. Additionally, various configuration options can be implemented.
For other scenarios please get in touch with your AUTHADA contact person.
Scenario 1: AUTHADA business App (Standalone App) The AUTHADA business app is available in both public app stores. They can be downloaded on any compatible mobile device. No transaction data is stored in the app or the device.
You need to implement the AUTHADA Backend as well as the front-end link as start code for the app.
Scenario 2: SDK – AUTHADA Authentication Library (AAL)
Using the AAL allows you to implement the onsite service into your own business app. By doing so, you have control over the process flow as well as the design of the onsite process (*some limitations apply regarding the flow of the identification process).